
Nutritional Deficiencies: Common Signs and Solutions

Proper nutrition is at the foundation of our total health and wellness. What we eat matters, and has an over arching effect on not just how we feel, but how our body operates, avoids illness, and maintains proper function.  Every system in our body depends...

Vitamin D and Hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland is butterfly-shaped  gland located at the base of your neck. It is responsible for producing thyroid hormones, T4 and T3, that regulate your metabolism, body temperature, gut motility, brain function, muscle function and more. When the thyroid gland fails to produce adequate...

Beta Carotene: What is it, and What is it Good For?

If you’ve ever been told to make sure that the colors of the rainbow are represented on your plate, it’s likely that you’re receiving plenty of beta carotene. This brightly colored pigment not only makes fruits and vegetables look extra appetizing, it also packs a...

Can Prenatal Vitamins Help You Get Pregnant?

If you are struggling to get pregnant, it might seem like everyone around you is having babies with ease. Many people assume that they will be able to get pregnant immediately and are unpleasantly surprised when it takes longer than expected, while others are facing...

Can Vitamin B5 Help to Treat Acne?

Acne is estimated to impact 95 percent of people at some point in their lives, typically beginning in puberty. Acne can be embarrassing and even painful, and researchers have spent decades trying to come up with effective treatments. Although many acne treatments are harsh and...

What Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together?

It might seem like taking a vitamin or mineral supplement could only be beneficial. After all, from a very young age, our parents impress the importance of getting enough nutrients in order to grow up healthy and strong. While taking a dietary supplement is beneficial...

Choline: What is it, and What is it Good For?

If you have never heard of choline and aren’t sure why your intake of this essential nutrient is so important, you’re not alone. The Institute of Medicine first recognized choline as an essential nutrient in 1998, and since then, more research has been conducted on...

Can Vitamin C Help With Seasonal Allergies?

Allergies are among the most common health issues experienced in the United States, and they are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease. Although there are many different types of allergies, including allergies to food and medication, seasonal allergies are among the most common. Seasonal...

Best Multivitamin for Women: 13 Things to Look For

Women have unique nutritional needs compared to men, and these needs change over the course of a lifetime as a woman ages. Although everyone would obtain the required amount of vitamins and minerals from their diets in an ideal world, the reality is that most...